Gulf County Association for Retarded Citizens

In the early 1970's the people of the State of Florida became increasingly concerned about a segment of its population that had for years been virtually neglected – the developmentally disabled. Many of these disabled persons resided in overcrowded institutions. Those families that had chosen to maintain their family member at home, found that community educational programs, service systems, and support was almost nonexistent. This concern began a reform that was to dramatically change the future for Florida's mentally retarded.

As the flame of reform in services to the developmentally disabled began to spread throughout the state, a small group of concerned citizens in Gulf County became ignited by the urgency of the need. In 1974 they began to blaze the trail that would lead to opportunity for this population of persons in Gulf County.

The Gulf County Association for Retarded Citizens (Gulf ARC) began a day program in 1976 with a total staff of five persons providing services to approximately 18 people. Today, the ARC provides services through seven program service areas to a total caseload of 54 persons, and has a staff of 17.

Gulf County Association for Retarded Citizens is committed to the concept of cultivating the potential within each individual toward achieving a fulfilled, normal existence.

Please follow these links for more information about mental retardation, about Transportation Disadvantaged Services, about becoming a member of the ARC, or about the Gulf County, Florida area.

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